I have been actively monitoring how well my Windows Store app page was doing for searches of Software Schedule Estimator. Yesterday I was sad to see my page fall off from page 1 of the Google search results. Today I was elated to find that I climbed to the top of the SERPS. Yes, I am organic search result position number one. The only items ahead of me are paid search.
Not sure what catapalted me up to the top. But who cares? I must be doing something right. Got to keep up the good work. I am tracking the daily work I do on this job. Hopefully that will motivate me to great deeds.
If you want to know what my Software Schedule Estimator app does, check out my product page. Sure it needs a little work in the content department. However I think I have a good start. Shout out to mom, where you may be.
Digging Deeper into DEPTREE_TEMPTAB
I had previously written about running a script to set up the
DEPTREE_TEMPTAB table in my schema. I knew it was used to track
dependencies. But I knew li...