AdSense Handbook Part II

This post is a continuation of my previous one on The Google AdSense Handbook. I received this ebook via e-mail. It comes from a group known as Truth To Wealth Mentors. They seem to be a mysterious bunch. Their name appears nowhere in the ebook. Strange indeed.

The book spends a good deal of time describing how search engine bots work. Specifically, here were some things that the bots like to see on your web pages:
  • More text and less HTML code
  • Lots of back links to your home page
  • Contextually relevant in bound links

And here are things that the search engine bots do not like:

  • Nested HTML tables
  • Too many home page back links within domain
  • Duplicate content

Some of this information was just a review for me. However I had not heard that nested HTML tables were a bad thing before. If your goal is to do well on the search engine result pages, you might as well start by making your web site easy to crawl.

Thanks go out to the Truth To Wealth Mentors who provided me with the free ebook. If you get a chance, let me know why you have been so secretive about yourselves. And please don't tell me you borrowed the content of this book from somebody else. Until next time.